Showing 64 Result(s)
All purpose flour Beef Eid Recipes Indian Main Dish Paratha Video

Murthaba- Ground Beef Masala Stuffed in Paratha

  Murthaba is basically meat stuffed paratha, the meat stuffing along with the paratha tastes delicious… Honestly, I haven’t tasted murthaba before nor have I seen this dish being served any where in my hometown-Trivandrum. However, this dish is popular in some places in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and also in Malaysia and Singapore. I came to know …

Basmati Rice Cauliflower Chicken Eggplant Eid Recipes Main Dish Middle Eastern

Maqluba (Makloubeh) Recipe – Upside Down Chicken and Rice | Traditional Palestinian Dish

Maqloobeh or Maqluba, a traditional dish of the Arab Levant. You get to enjoy chicken, fried veggies and basmati rice… I’d made this dish a few months ago for Eid. Since then, I’d been debating if I should post this recipe or not. Today, while browsing through the food pictures, I kept looking at this …