American Apple Oats Pancake

Oats and Apple Pancake

oats and apple pancake

Oats and apples together tastes delicious, loved the combination…

During weekends, I try hard to overcome my morning laziness and make a delicious brunch for my Man. On Sunday, just before I was out of the bed, I had a few minutes of tug of war: whether to make brunch from scratch or to settle down with cereal. I won the war and made up my mind to make delicious pancakes as I knew my Man would love it. As I got off the bed, my Man very sweetly asked me if I could make pancakes for him.  Now, that’s a coincidence, we both were thinking of pancakes 🙂 I told him “your wish is going to be true in a few minutes”. After I enjoyed a cup of hot coffee, I felt enthusiastic and started making pancakes.

I love to have oats for breakfast, and I love the fact that oats can be added to the pancake batter which gives a nice chewy texture. For a crunchy bite, I added chopped apples as well. The combination of oats and apples were just fantastic, we both loved this pancake. In fact, I wanted to make a second batch, it was that delicious.

Oats-apple pancake

Preparation Pictures

Oats and Apple pancake batter

pancake batter

Making Pancake

making pancake

Oats and Apple Pancake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Serves: Makes 6
  • All purpose flour- 1 cup
  • Instant Oats- 1 cup
  • Brown sugar- ¼ cup
  • Baking powder- ½ tbsp
  • Salt- ¼ tsp
  • Ground cinnamon- ¼ tsp
  • Apple, chopped small- 1
  • Milk- 1½ cups
  • Egg, large- 1
  • Oil- 3 tbsp
  • Unsalted Butter, while cooking- ½ tbsp/pancake
  1. In a large bowl, combine flour, oats, brown sugar, salt, baking powder and ground cinnamon.
  2. In an another bowl, whisk together milk, egg and oil.
  3. Add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and combine well using a spoon without any lumps.
  4. Add chopped apples and combine well to the batter.
  5. Place a large non-stick pan over medium heat, add ½ tbsp butter: let it melt.
  6. Pour 1 large spoonful of batter over the melted butter.
  7. Let the bottom side cook and turn golden brown. Flip it over and let the other side cook well too.
  8. If you insert a fork into the center of the pancake, it should come out clean.
  9. Transfer to a plate.
  10. While serving, pour maple syrup or honey and enjoy.
If you don't have brown sugar, you could replace it with white sugar. However, Brown sugar imparts a really nice caramelized flavor.

You could freeze these pancakes, before serving thaw it and microwave it.



Thas is the author of Cooking with Thas, a popular food blog with recipes from Indian, American and Fusion Cuisines. She has been blogging since 2009 and been featured in several magazines. Read more...