Showing 122 Result(s)
Agar Agar Coconut Condensed Milk Dairy Free Desserts Eid Recipes Family recipes Featured Indian Kerala

Easy Tender Coconut Pudding- Easy Karikku-Elaneer Pudding

Tender Coconut Pudding, an authentic Kerala dessert… One of the desserts I had been wanting to try for the past 5 years was tender coconut pudding. For making this I needed fresh tender coconut, which was not available in the US. However, in kerala tender coconut is found in abundance. Tender coconut water has several …

Coconut Eggplant Indian Main Dish North Indian Vegetarian

Stuffed Eggplant( Brinjal or Aubergine) or Bharwan Baingan

Even the hardcore non-vegetarians will plead for more of this vegetarian delicacy, it’s Yummalicious! This vegetable ooops I just found that eggplant is actually a fruit but treated as a vegetable. Yay, I learned something new today. This fruit is known in different names: Eggplant in Europe and the US, Brinjal in India, Aubergine or Melangene. It’s …

Breakfast Coconut Dates High Protein/Low Carb Kerala Breakfast Oats Quick Fix Meals Snacks

Steamed Oats With Dates And Coconut Made In Puttu Maker

I tricked my brain and made a healthy breakfast from scratch in the morning in less than 15 minutes… My hubby was surprised to see steaming hot breakfast made from scratch and beautifully served on the table. I’ve mentioned before that I always depend on cereal, whole grain bread, fruits, or instant oats for breakfast. …