Showing 26 Result(s)
Appetizer Cutlets Indian Mushrooms North Indian

Mushroom Cutlet Recipe- Pan Fried Healthy Mushroom Patties

Mushroom cutlets, a healthy meat alternative… Towards my strenuous effort to cut down on poultry consumption and including more veggies in my diet, I’v been experimenting with different veggies lately. I am glad that we have potatoes, cauliflower, mushrooms and lentils which make a good substitute for meat in many recipes. All of them are quite healthy …

Coconut Eggplant Indian Main Dish North Indian Vegetarian

Stuffed Eggplant( Brinjal or Aubergine) or Bharwan Baingan

Even the hardcore non-vegetarians will plead for more of this vegetarian delicacy, it’s Yummalicious! This vegetable ooops I just found that eggplant is actually a fruit but treated as a vegetable. Yay, I learned something new today. This fruit is known in different names: Eggplant in Europe and the US, Brinjal in India, Aubergine or Melangene. It’s …