Showing 12 Result(s)
American Beans Healthy Recipes Low Carb Recipes Sides Thanksgiving Walnuts

Green Beans Stir Fry With Caramelized Shallots And Walnuts | Thanksgiving Side Dish

Wishing all Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving! In Canada Thanksgiving is celebrated in October and in the US it’s in September. What matters the most for me is the “celebration”. Every year, I try to whip up a few thanksgiving special dishes but haven’t tried roasting turkey from scratch. I am not a huge turkey fan …

American Chicken Featured High Protein/Low Carb Leftover Makeover Main Dish Thanksgiving Thyme

Leftover Thanksgiving dinner got a Fancy Makeover

When leftover Thanksgiving dinner got a fancy makeover for next day lunch/dinner… Hope everyone had a Thanksgiving filled with joy and happiness. Did you all express your gratitude to your near and dear ones? I love thanksgiving as it brings food, family and friends together. Needless to say, food is the main attraction for thanksgiving, …