Happy 101 Award
Gina at Simply life made my day special by sharing this award with me…
She has been always special to me, as she is my first ever blogger friend.
Your Guide to Kitchen Gadgets, Home Tech, and Tasty Recipes
Gina at Simply life made my day special by sharing this award with me…
She has been always special to me, as she is my first ever blogger friend.
My first love in the seafood world: Shrimp (Prawns) and it was love at first sight… Whether it’s fried, sautéed, grilled or buried in a bowl of rice, I die for them and my love for shrimp never seems to subside even after meeting with other handsome guys in the sea food world: P When …
[People try to get food at a food distribution center in Port-au-Prince, January 17, 2010. Credit: REUTERS/Kena Betancur] All we can now think and talk about is Haiti… The bitter pain and sufferings of the Haitians are beyond our imagination and defies any description. It’s indeed heart breaking to see fellow humans in Haiti are going …
I had participated in the January Joust and the 3 ingredients with which I had to create an original recipe, chosen by the previous winners were Mushroom, Orange and Wine or Sparkling Grape Juice. As soon as I read about the ingredients, I had the urge to participate in this joust, though I wasn’t quite …
Crispy, crunchy Jack fruit chips fried by my mom in a different continent, packed well and saw off at the Trivandrum airport, waited in many lines to go through the security clearance in couple of airports, after 24 hours of flying, finally it reached me safe and sound in another continent… I lack words to …