Spread the oats evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake it for 10 minutes or till it starts to turn golden in color. Remove from the oven and let cool down.
Lower the oven temperature to 325 F or 162 C.
In a large bowl: combine egg, egg white, brown sugar, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon and salt.
To this add baked oats, raisins, walnuts or any nuts and all purpose flour, mix everything together.
Spread the mixture on a square baking pan lined with aluminum foil, about 1-1.5 inches thick.
Bake for 20-25 minutes till it starts to turn brown.
Remove from the oven and let cool down for 10 minutes.
Using a sharp knife greased with little butter, cut into long rectangular shapes.
You could store these in air tight container and will last for a few days.
Recipe by Cooking with Thas - Smart Cooking, Smart Living at https://thasneen.com/cooking/homemade-easy-granola-bar/