Dice them up, I've taken 1½ cups of diced ash gourd.
To a blender jar, add the ingredients mentioned 'to grind' to a smooth paste. Keep it aside.
Place a saucepan over medium heat, add the ash gourd along with green chilies, turmeric powder, curry leaves, salt & water.
Cook covered till the ash gourd has turned soft, don't overcook them.
Add the ground coconut, combine well.
Rinse the blender jar with ¼ cup water & add that to the pan & cook for a few minutes till the raw smell of coconut goes away.
Add ½ tsp more salt & combine well.
Take the pan off the heat & let cool down a bit.
Take the yogurt in a bowl & beat well using a fork.
Add the yogurt to the cooked ash gourd with coconut, combine well.
Don't add yogurt to the hot mixture, the yogurt will curdle.
Close the pan with the lid & keep covered for some time.
This curry is enjoyed with rice.
Recipe by Cooking with Thas - Smart Cooking, Smart Living at https://thasneen.com/cooking/kerala-pothichoru-kerala-meal-wrapped-in-banana-leaf-vazhayila/