Pomegranate, Kiwi-Apple, Mango Lassi, Cantaloupe Smoothies - VGYO Smoothies
Cantaloupe Smoothie
  • Cantaloupe, rind removed, seeded and cubed- 4 cups
  • Lemon juice (optional)- 1 tbsp
  • Sugar- according to your needs
  1. Put the cubed cantaloupes, lemon juice if using and sugar if needed into a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth and you will get thick and fibre rich smoothie.
  3. You could make this in a power juicer as well, to discard the fibre and for getting just the juice.
Difference between Blender and Juicer:

Blenders do not separate the juice from the fibre, while Juicers do so.
Recipe by Cooking with Thas - Smart Cooking, Smart Living at https://thasneen.com/cooking/vgyo-smoothies/