I always use Double Horse brand white putti podi or rice flour for making puttu.
To a large bowl, add rice flour, water, and salt. Do not combine.
Double horse brand puttu podi & water ratio is 1:1.
Let the rice flour soak in water for 20 minutes.
Using your clean hand, combine well without any lumps.
Rice flour will be soaked well, all the water will be absorbed by the flour and will turn soft.
I'm using the puttu maker that can be kept on the pressure cooker whistle hole.
Add 2 cups water to a pressure cooker, close with the lid. Have to keep the sealing ring in the lid.
Place over medium-high heat.
Let the steam release through the whistle hole.
Place the disc in the puttu maker.
Add a tbsp of grated coconut.
Layer with soaked rice flour till the brim of the puttu mold.
Top with grated coconut.
Close with the lid.
Place the puttu maker on the whistle hole. The steam that's released through the whistle hole will cook the puttu.
There will be 3 holes on the puttu maker lid. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, let the steam release through all the holes.
Remove the puttu maker from the whistle hole, open the lid & flip the puttu maker onto a plate.
Puttu will fall nicely on the plate.
Enjoy warm puttu with chickpea curry or any kind of curries. Or with ripe banana & sugar.
Puttu has to be enjoyed while it's warm.
Recipe by Cooking with Thas - Smart Cooking, Smart Living at https://thasneen.com/cooking/kerala-puttu-with-kadala-chickpea-curry-kerala-style-breakfast-recipe/