Maladu Recipe - Split Dalia Ladoo (Roasted Gram Ladoo)
Author: Thasneen
Recipe type: Sweet
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: Makes 8
- Split Dalia or Porikadala- 1 cup
- Powdered sugar- ½ cup
- Cardamom powder- ⅛ tsp (or use 2 smashed cardamom whole)
- Ghee- ¼ cup
- Roast the split dalia in a pan over medium heat for 5 to 7 minutes.
- Grind the roasted dalia in a blender to a fine powder.
- For making powdered sugar: you could grind ½ cup of white granulated sugar to a fine powder.
- Sieve the powdered dalia into a bowl and discard any grains.
- Sieve the powdered sugar into the bowl containing the ground dalia.
- Add cardamom powder and combine well.
- Melt ghee in a small pan.
- Add the ground dalia/sugar/cardamom mix to a saucepan, place the pan over low heat.
- Slowly, add melted ghee and combine well using a spatula for 2 minutes.
- Remove the pan from the heat.
- Try making rolls using your hand out of the mixture, it should form firm rolls: make medium sized balls.
- If you cannot form firm balls, add 1 to 2 tbsp more melted ghee and roll it.
- Place the balls on a plate, keep aside for 10 to 15 minutes & it will firm up.
- Enjoy this melt into the mouth sweets.
- Can be stored in an air tight container for a few days.
If you want you could add ghee roasted cashew nuts and raisins to the mixture.
Recipe by Cooking with Thas - Smart Cooking, Smart Living at