Green Soup in Yogurt - Healthiest Soup
  • Broccoli florets- 2 cups
  • Spinach- 2 cups
  • Celery, chopped small- 3 stalks
  • Water- to puree the cooked greens (or add homemade chicken stock)
  • Yogurt, fat-free and not sour- 1½ cups
  • Ground pepper- ¼ tsp
  • Soy sauce (optional)- 1½ tbsp
  • Salt- to taste
  1. In a large pan, add broccoli florets, spinach and celery, cook covered till just tender.
  2. Puree the cooked greens in a blender along with some water or chicken stock.
  3. Return the puree to the pan, heat for a minute.
  4. Add yogurt, ground pepper, soy sauce and salt to taste.
  5. Combine well and heat it for a minute.
  6. If the soup is too thick add little water to thin it down.
  7. Have a taste and add more ground pepper or salt if needed.
  8. Serve in soup bowls, place a dollop of sour cream or thick yogurt on the middle of the soup.
  9. I served this soup with baked potatoes.
If you want you could add other greens like kale too.
If you want you could add chicken stock instead of water, it would taste much more flavorful.
Recipe by Cooking with Thas - Smart Cooking, Smart Living at